Teen Sister Scribbles
Random writings. By two teen sisters.

8 Interesting Facts About Galadriel: Rings of Power to LOTR
Did you know that the highly intelligent and brave Lady Galadriel was once tempted by the One Ring? Or that she owns one of the Rings of Power? Or even that her hair is so majestic that it was sought by different races? So, in this article, here are eight facts about Galadriel that you …

Top 7 Quotes From the Hunger Games Series That Exemplify A Life Lesson
The Hunger Games series is filled with inspirational quotes about survival, and not giving in to the enemy. I find that some of these sayings could help me with life in general. So, let’s see the top 7 quotes from the series. 1. “Pity does not get you aid. Admiration at your refusal to give …

Top 8 Most Likeable Twilight Saga Characters
There are some characters in every series that are extremely strong-willed and accepting, like Alice. There are also characters that are sweet and innocent, like Renesmee and Esme. So, in this article, I share 10 Twilight characters that personally, I find very likeable and interesting. They all have their own story and personality, and that’s …

6 Facts About The Twilight Saga That Are Little-Known
Did you know that the Cullens have a family crest that is on a piece of each of their jewelry? Or that Stephenie Meyer appeared in the movies? In this article, there are 6 interesting facts that you may or may not have known about the Twilight Saga, books and movies. 1. Stephenie Meyer came …

The Unique Twilight Saga Powers of the 9 Members in the Cullen Family, Ranked
In the Twilight Saga, vampires have superpowers. All of them are unique because not everyone thinks the same way [Eleazar], and the characters even more so. The Cullens, in particular, are very talented. Here are the powers and special abilities of this remarkable vampire family, ranked from weakest to strongest. Weakest to Strongest No. 9 …

10 Harry Potter Spells To Make Your Life Easier
In Harry Potter, one of my favourite parts are the spells. I love how they have the power to do almost everything. But there are certain spells in the Wizarding World that are always handy when you have those moments. Whether it be mending injuries or simply opening a door, the following charms are always …

Random Cool Facts About Lesser Known Harry Potter Characters
There are so many characters in Harry Potter who are not as known as others. So, using a Random Wheel, I spun out 10 names of Harry Potter characters that we know less about. I would have loved to write about all of them, but there are just so many. Here are 3 facts about …

Top 10 Harry Potter Quotes That Evoke An Emotion
Harry Potter is the type of series that can make readers feel many ways. There are some quotes in Harry Potter that make me feel a certain way, whether it’s happy, sad, or extremely comical. For example, Dumbledore’s quotes either make me feel hopeful, sad, or like I’m about to laugh. The quotes below are …

Top 10 Quotes From Harry Potter
The Harry Potter series has brought fun and joy to both adults and kids. One funny and enjoyable part about Harry Potter are the quotes that fill the pages. Whether they are Dumbledore’s wise sayings, or Harry’s sarcastic comebacks, or even Snape’s cold insults, they are a big part of the series, books and films …