Top 8 Most Likeable Twilight Saga Characters

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Written By: WatersongK

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Top 8 Most Likeable Twilight Saga Characters

There are some characters in every series that are extremely strong-willed and accepting, like Alice. There are also characters that are sweet and innocent, like Renesmee and Esme. So, in this article, I share 10 Twilight characters that personally, I find very likeable and interesting. They all have their own story and personality, and that’s what makes them so unique and fascinating. 

1. Alice Cullen 

Alice Going to Volturi

Alice is my all time favourite Twilight character because of her kindness and the way she so eagerly accepted Bella into her family. She was extremely excited to meet Bella after having a vision which states they would become great friends, ignoring the fact that Bella was a human. Because of her small size, she is often underestimated, but her powers allow her to become one of the main protectors of her family. She had a difficult life as a human, and though she doesn’t remember it, she is one of the most cheerful and friendly characters in the series. 

2. Esme Cullen 

Esme at the Wedding

The motherly Esme Cullen definitely deserves a spot on this list. When she first met Bella, she wasn’t at all thirsty, and she was extremely kind to Bella, who was a human at the time. She considered Bella as a part of her family early on, and only wanted the best for all of them. She welcomed 5 vampires into her family and raised them like they were her own children. She has an extremely loving personality, and that made her character one of the best (in my opinion). 

3. Carlisle Cullen 

Carlisle Cullen

Carlisle’s compassion has really come in handy for when he needed to save patients. When Bella was bloody and broken after James’s attack, he held back his venom and eventually fixed all her broken bones and cuts. He is the father figure to all of the Cullen children, and he was the one that decided to try and live on animal blood instead of hunting humans. He can resist the temptation of blood, something that is extremely hard to do. He is a very patient person and he never judges anyone, even after Edward returned from his ‘dark period’. He would never change someone unless they were in danger of dying. 

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4. Renesmee Cullen 

Renesmee at Christmas

Renesmee is the sweetest character in Breaking Dawn. As a half human, half vampire, she takes her life very well even for a baby. Her extraordinary power eventually was a part that secured their victory against the Volturi and saved all of them. She is kind, smart, and enjoys fun. She accepts the challenges Jacob gives her so she would keep feeding on animal blood. When she learns that her movements in the womb were hurting her mother, she tries to stop. She enjoys the same things as her parents: reading and listening to music. 

5. Charlie Swan 

Charlie Swan

Charlie is very much like his daughter. He is clumsy, he doesn’t like being in big crowds, and he prefers to take care of himself. However, it is shown many times that he loves his daughter a lot, and though he doesn’t hover over her 24/7, he is very protective. Charlie tries his best to be more involved in Bella’s life, but he finds it hard as he is a naturally shy person. Charlie, in my opinion, is more of a comedic character than a serious one. He is so protective to the point that he was ‘grimly gleeful’ to kick Edward out of the house in New Moon

6. Seth Clearwater 

Seth Clearwater

Seth is one of the youngest members of the Quileute wolf pack. He looked up to Jacob and Edward a lot. Edward describes Seth’s mind as one of the purest and kindest minds that he’s ever heard. He attends Bella and Edward’s wedding with his mother and Billy Black. Bella genuinely enjoys talking to him, and is very frightened of his sister, Leah. Seth is a cheerful person and an extremely kind person. He was the first to truly like the Cullens because they feed on animal blood instead of human blood. He became good friends with Edward after the fight with Riley and Victoria in Eclipse

7. Emmett Cullen 

Emmett Cullen

Emmett Cullen is the funny guy in the family. Though his story isn’t mentioned much in the books, he is a great character and he fits into the plot well. To me, he is a bit of a sore loser but that’s what makes him so hilarious. But he is loyal to his family and Bella; when James tracked Bella and tried to kill her, he took his role as a bodyguard very seriously. Emmett enjoys teasing Bella and poking fun at her relationship with Edward, but he lost his arm wrestling competition to his new sister-in-law. Many things that Emmett says, I find extremely funny, and I like characters that are just full of jokes and pranks. 

8. Renée Dwyer

Renée Dwyer

Bella’s mother is described as being eccentric and forgetful. She is an experimental chef, and sometimes her results aren’t even edible. Sometimes Bella thinks that Renée is the child and Bella is the parent, but the arrangement works for both of them as Bella doesn’t mind taking care of her mother. She has her own views of marriage, but what I like is that she didn’t try to force them onto her daughter, even when Bella was planning to marry Edward right out of high school, similar to what Renée did with Charlie. She is most likely a gifted human, as she is able to unconsciously broadcast her thoughts. If she were a vampire like Bella, it would be amazing to see this unique ability develop into something else. 


alice, carlisle, charlie, cullens, emmett, esme, likeable, renee, renesmee, seth, swan, twilight saga, wolf

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